Welcome to MJRejuvenated.com  !

A space dedicated to rejuvenating media, mind, thoughts, and everything in between.


My name is Murtaza J. R, and I started @MJRejuvenated on Instagram in January 2019 as a simple blog to share glimpses of my life. However, this blog has evolved into so much more.


Media has been a part of my life since I first picked up a Yashica camera at the age of 15, gifted to me by my father when we were living in Dubai. Those initial moments capturing the photos of our Spiritual leader of our Dawoodi Bohra community, the late Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA, ignited a love for media within me—a passion that has only grown stronger over the years.


During my university days at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, I delved into the world of photography and journalism, merging my love for media and technology (mainly computers) with my voracious reading habits. Reading a wide range of books shaped my perspective and fueled my curiosity. I ended up graduating with a Bachelors in Computer Engineering.


A little more details about my life in my first blog post which you can see here.


Fast forward to the present, and @MJRejuvenated was born in 2019 on Instagram, emerging from a challenging period in my life in 2014, that had left me at rock bottom mentally and physically. Life events that left deep scars and which required time and healing. But with unwavering faith in God and my belief system, I embarked on a journey to pull myself out of the abyss and rediscover rejuvenation. The support of my family and well-meaning friends played a crucial role in my recovery.


I decided to start this blog now as a way to share my experiences, insights, and tips on various aspects of life, including technology, business, travel, and much more. As the COO of a group of companies and other social and community responsibilities, finding time for my passion for media can be challenging. However, I am committed to producing selfless content that benefits others and elevates them to the same level that I strive to be at myself.


Join me on this transformative journey as we explore the realms of media, thoughts, and personal growth. Together, we will navigate the complexities of life and seek rejuvenation in every aspect.


Thank you for being a part of the MJRejuvenated community.


Warm regards,


Murtaza J. R.

